Thursday, October 22, 2020

OSR: Jazz-infused Space Hijinks: Freeform Space Jazz v0.5

 Okay, so I’m aware that this is a bit out of left field for my kind of content (fantasy madness), but I have meant to make some posts regarding my other major obsession: sci-fi, specifically space westerns. Jazz-infused space westerns. You see, I was listening to the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack on Spotify (which I do on a daily basis) when I realised I wanted to play a game that captures the kind of feeling that tracks like Too Good Too Bad and Tank! give me. I researched a bit, and many sci-fi rpgs are far too crunchy for the fast and loose style of gameplay that a Cowboy Bebop rpg would encourage. And so I took it upon myself to fill the gap in the market (not that there isn’t one just like this, but I couldn’t find it). I present Freeform Space Jazz:

[Freeform Space Jazz]


  • The Tempo system, building off the Light/Dark tokens put forth in

    Galaxy Far Away by d66kobolds, a great Free Kriegsspiel rpg.

  • Lots of systems lifted nearly directly from Diogo Nogueira’s

    Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells/Solar Blades and Cosmic Spells rpgs.

  • Lots of jazz. Probably too much jazz. And music theory references.
  • Inconsistencies and mistakes that you should tell me about in the comments.

  • The Melody combat system, which sounds more innovative than it is.

Once this is up, I think I may run some playtests, revise and refine these rules until they are satisfactory. But until then, I hope indeed that you give this ago and tell me about your experiences! And feel free to ask me any questions you may have about the rules.

This is Anni, signing off until next time!


  1. So how much jazz is Blade Runner to you ?
    And how about Blues?

    1. Blade Runner feels more like Freeform Cyberpunk Modular Synthesizers to me, which doesn't have the same ring to it. Not sure what you mean by Blues here. Are we talking the musical genre or a sci-fi tv show I should watch?

    2. There is one track on the Blade Runner Soundtrack named "Blade Runner Blues"
      It's definetly a rethinking of how to play blues on a heavy 80ies sounding Synthesizer.
      But i understand why you would not think of Blade Runner as Jazzy/Bluesy...

  2. I like the flavor you have for this! It is well-done and distributed evenly throughout the document, so kudos to you! This is something I will definitely be paying attention to in the future.

  3. This is actually the PERFECT system for a game i want to run. It is also excellent, so thank you.

    1. If you do end up running it, please tell me how it goes!
